Build brighter futures by reaching kids today.
It is critical that we reach children and youth through preventative programs to break heartbreaking cycles and divert them towards a better future.
No child should ever go hungry – but it is a tragic reality that there are many families who are struggling to feed their children right now.
Whenever someone comes to Hope Mission as an adult, it’s difficult not to wonder what their childhood was like. A simple conversation with someone in our shelters often reveals a gut wrenching history of deep heartbreak. Most of the men and women that we serve as adults began their lives as hurting and hungry kids – desperate for someone to reach out and hear their cries for help.
Many parents are working multiple jobs and making difficult decisions every day. It’s not unusual to hear from a parent that they need to choose between heating their home or feeding their children – a heartbreaking and impossible choice.
“We were stuck in financial hardship. If it wasn’t for Hope Mission, I don’t know what we would have done.”

We don’t want to see any child go hungry in our community.
Hope Mission helps kids, youth, and families across the province through a number of supports.
Afterschool programs, community meals, family food hampers, summer camps, and school lunches are all simple things that can have a big impact on the life of a child.
Last year, compassionate people like you helped provide kids across Alberta with over
nutritious meals