Summer camp changes kids’ lives forever.
A week at camp lets children learn new things, build deep relationships with staff, and make memories that will last a lifetime.
Summer camp can be a truly life-changing experience for a child who would not otherwise get the opportunity to go.
Many children and youth in Alberta are in desperate need of help and encouragement. They are struggling with isolation, hunger, and difficult circumstances at home. They may not have adults in their lives who love them unconditionally; their home may not be safe.
It is absolutely critical that we make sure that kids and youth who are struggling are given the opportunity to go to camp. It will change their lives forever to build relationships with caring adults, make memories with new friends, and hear the good news about a God who loves them and has created them with a purpose.
“I built relationships with my counsellors and could see that they really cared for me. Their love for me was genuine and that was incredibly powerful for a kid.”
We want to make sure that kids who have never been to summer camp have the opportunity to experience the joy of a week in nature. These are children who have never experienced the joy of singing campfire songs under the stars; they’ve never gone to sleep in a cabin exhausted from a day of fun and breathlessly anticipating the next one. For families who are already struggling with the cost of living, there is no room in the budget for a luxury like summer camp. But through your generosity, we can bring joy and hope each summer to children in need.

Summer camp isn’t just a week away – it means so much more to kids.
Campers make new friends and build memories that they will cherish long after the summer. They learn new skills and build confidence through activities like rock climbing and archery. Kids and youth will get to practice wilderness skills like building a campfire. For some, it will be their first time outside of the city in nature! Summer camp gives kids an outlet for fun, joy, and an opportunity to build relationships with caring adults that can connect them with resources they need when they return back home. It’s a long-term investment in the life of a child that will have tremendous impact for years to come.

Your generosity in sponsoring a child’s week at camp doesn’t just provide good food, new memories, fun games, and campfire songs; you are giving opportunities for these children to build deep relationships with staff who care about them and learn more about the God who loves them.
“Kids just need a break from whatever situation they’re in. And summer camp is a beautiful place to have that break.”
Children leave camp knowing that they are loved. No matter what home life they are returning to, they know there are adults who care about them. They know there will be people who will remember their name when they come back next year. They’ll know that God loves them and made them for a purpose – and ultimately they will know they are not alone.