Church Partners

We want to partner with you! Learn more about opportunities, resources, ideas, and other ways for your church to connect and serve our vulnerable neighbours.

Host a Hope Sunday

A great way to engage your congregation in supporting the work God does through Hope Mission is by hosting a Hope Sunday! Here is some information on the options available to you and your congregation in putting on an event like this!


  • Invite one of our Community Liaison’s to come share with your church the encouraging stories of lives transformed and impact made thanks to your congregations contributions to Hope Mission’s cause.
  • Hold a Hope Drive
  • Take up a Sunday Offering for Hope Mission

Host a Hope Drive

A fun way to support Hope Mission that can also be an uplifting and encouraging experience for congregations is to do a Hope Drive!

Click on any of the links below to download a Hope Drive Kit with information, tools and promotional material specific to the items you wish to do a drive for:

Socks & Underwear (Edmonton Only)

Water Bottles & Sunscreen

Clothes & Hygiene (Edmonton Only)

Winter Wear

Summer Fun Kits (Kids & Family)

Back to School Supplies (Kids & Family)

Christmas Gifts (Kids & Families)

To have one of our Community Liaisons speak at your church for this Hope Drive event or for more information, email

To book a Hope Sunday or sign up for our church newsletter, contact our Church Partners team:

For church and small group volunteer opportunities, contact our Volunteer Coordinator:
780-422-2018 ext. 266