Hope and healing for people trapped in addiction.
Over the years, hundreds of people have made a courageous and life-changing journey through our one-year recovery program that was designed to tackle the deepest roots of addiction.
Many in our community are longing for a better future, but feel trapped and alone.
“I’ll never forget how I felt when I finally hit rock bottom. I didn’t want to live anymore…”
Struggling with addiction can feel like an unbearable weight – especially when you’re all alone.

Hope and healing through recovery is possible.
Hope Mission offers two year-long faith-based addiction recovery programs: Wellspring for women and Breakout for men. We are licensed with the Government of Alberta as an addiction treatment centre and both programs are accredited through CARF International.
Our programs address the devastating trauma that lies at the root of addiction. Vulnerable men and women need a safe space to heal and process through their experiences. This is a critical part of recovery – and means that true transformation can happen.

Hope and healing through recovery is possible.
Hope Mission offers two year-long faith-based addiction recovery programs: Wellspring for women and Breakout for men. We are licensed with the Government of Alberta as an addiction treatment centre and both programs are accredited through CARF International.
Our programs address the devastating trauma that lies at the root of addiction. Vulnerable men and women need a safe space to heal and process through their experiences. This is a critical part of recovery – and means that true transformation can happen.