“I’m very lucky I ended up at Hope Mission, Because I wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

Mike’s Story

Mike worked in the trades as a pipefitter for years. After experimenting with drugs, he fell into full-blown addiction. His life spiraled out of control: he lost his job, home, his membership in the union and crashed his car. Homeless, he stayed at a friend’s house — still using. After a month of heavy drug use, Mike’s friend refused to let him stay any longer and dropped him off at the Hope Mission.

“I remember saying to one of the staff, ‘I don’t think I should be here.'”

Mike had lost everything. He was at his lowest point, and the desperate reality of his situation became clear to him. He found himself in an area where the deep pain of addiction and hopelessness is obvious and widespread. It opened his eyes to the choice he had to make.

“You can see how detrimental to your future addiction can be.”

Mike knew he had to make a change. Thankfully, he met one of the Hope Mission staff and shared his desire to get clean. A staff member told Mike about the Breakout Program, Hope Mission’s recovery program for men. After several calls, the next day he was introduced to the Breakout Staff and was accepted into the program.

“HONESTLY, MY LIFE IS SO DIFFERENT from six months ago.”

Mike’s journey in recovery hasn’t been easy — he relapsed twice in his first month in the program. But he picked himself back up, and made a commitment to sobriety. He has now been clean and sober for five months.

“The faith aspect of the program — it’s been life-changing — it’s opened my eyes, that there’s something more important than just coasting through life.”

Mike credits Hope Mission’s Breakout Program for saving his life and keeping him clean by introducing him to a newfound faith and appreciation for the gospel.

“The staff are extremely involved, they’re really caring, more like friends, not just teachers or someone just coming to work.”

Not only has the faith element of the program been helpful to Mike’s recovery, but the care the staff have shown him has been incredibly impactful throughout his journey in sobriety. He can’t stress enough the inspiration he finds in observing how positively the staff go about their work, interacting with the people in the recovery program in a genuine way.

“To see those who’ve come through the program and are now working here and still doing well is inspiring.”

There are staff who were once like Mike, stuck in addiction, now thriving as they help others in their journey to recovery, which speaks to Mike’s desire to serve. Their dedication and passion to serve others has inspired him to look to his future, and the ways he too can serve others.

I’ve gone through a huge change from where I was. Right now, i have no desire to go back to drugs. i want to do something with my life, to be something for my kids.”

The Breakout Program’s impact on his life isn’t lost on Mike. His outlook on life and priorities have dramatically shifted since joining the program. He wants to do something with his life — to help others and be the best father he can be for his kids.

“I’m very lucky I ended up at Hope Mission, Because I wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

For Mike, his time at Hope Mission has been one of reflection and growing in his sobriety. He recognizes where he might have ended up if he hadn’t found help in time.

When asked what he would like to say to people who support Hope Mission through prayer, donations and volunteering he had this to say:

“Thank you wouldn’t even be the proper words for our supporters.

They provide for people like me, who need Hope mission’s programs and services — it saves lives. God Bless them!”

Pauline's Story

Pauline came to our doors after losing everything. She had experienced heartbreaking childhood trauma, and in order to numb the pain, fell into addiction. 

Jake's Story

After losing everything and with nowhere else to stay, Jake began sleeping in the river valley at night - with only a sleeping bag to keep him warm.

Will's Story

Will had lost it all to alcoholism and was living in a tent in Calgary...

Vicky's Story

13-year-old Vicki struggled to make good friends at school. At home, she struggled with persistent hunger...

Ell's Story

“Before Hope Mission, life wasn't going too well,” 16-year-old Ell shares. “My family doesn't really have that much money to get food.”

Dustin's Story

Dustin calls his former life of addiction “one of despair.” He knew something needed to change, but didn’t think it was possible.

David's Story

David moved to Edmonton to start over. He knew he needed to ask for help. David joined Breakout, Hope Mission’s year-long addiction recovery program for men.

Danielle's Story

Danielle does her very best to meet the needs of her two kids. But like many families, life has gotten so much more challenging the last few years. Danielle found support through Hope Mission.

Stephen's Story

A beautiful story of transformation and hope.

Jacinta's Story

At the age of sixteen, Jacinta’s life took a turn as she began experimenting with drugs and alcohol. After getting kicked out of school and not finding any other schools that would accept her...

Bonita's Story

After Bonita was evicted from her home she didn’t know where to go. In her desperation, she discovered that there was a place that could offer her meals, shelter, and hope. Bonita eventually found her way to Hope Mission.

Mike's Story

Mike worked in the trades as a pipefitter for years. After experimenting with drugs, he fell into full-blown addiction. His life spiraled out of control: he lost his job, home, his membership in the union and crashed his car.

Rory's Story

After years of growing up with an alcoholic father and grandfather, Rory eventually found himself caught in the same addiction. 

Miguel's Story

After separating from his wife and rarely seeing his son, Miguel numbed his pain by drinking and taking drugs. His addiction took over his life and he became homeless for three and a half years. Miguel found himself in a desperate situation.

Cameron's Story

As a child, Cameron didn’t see his father much — he was constantly in and out of prison. When Cameron became a father as a teenager, he supported them the only way he knew how: by selling drugs.

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For many, a simple meal can be the beginning of a journey towards healing, hope, and transformation.