
Locations & Services

Building a brighter future for Edmonton’s most vulnerable men, women, youth, and children — since 1929.

In 1929, Reverend Harold Edwardson established a soup kitchen in Edmonton’s inner city, serving meals to hundreds of people struggling with unemployment and homelessness at the onset of the Depression. Today, Hope Mission has grown into a not-for-profit Christian social care agency that helps hurting and hungry men, women, and children across Alberta.

In Edmonton, Hope Mission is recognized as the largest provider of shelter and hot meals for those experiencing homelessness. However, our work extends far beyond these essential services. We offer deep, transformative programs that help individuals escape life on the streets. Our on-site health services, income support navigation, and ID services provide stability, while our life-changing recovery and housing programs have helped thousands experience complete transformations in their lives.

"Hope Mission became home when I lost my own. Those meals did more than feed me, they rescued me."

A significant part of our work in Edmonton focuses on children, youth, and parents through our preventative initiatives. Every day, we serve lunches to hundreds of kids in schools across the city. Our after-school programs at local schools and the Tegler Youth Centre offer kids a safe place to belong and grow. Additionally, a week at our summer camp, Brightwood Ranch, can change a child’s life forever.

Hope Mission is committed to transforming lives and bringing hope to those in need. Keep reading to learn more about our various Edmonton locations and services.

Location & Contact Information:


9908 106 Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 0N6

Mailing Address:

Hope Mission
PO Box 953
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 2L8

Herb Jamieson Centre

The Herb Jamieson Centre is a 24/7 emergency shelter with capacity for over 400 people. Safe and wheelchair accessible, the Herb Jamieson Centre connects people to housing, medical help, spiritual counselling and addiction recovery programs that will bring lasting change.

Location & Contact Information:


10014 105A Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 0M6

Available Services:

Regular Shelter (Men)

24/7 Regular shelter beds are available on the second floor of the Herb Jamieson Centre. Access is available through the main front doors.

All shelters offer access to clean blankets & towels, storage, clothing (subject to availability), nutrition, water, naloxone kits, showers, laundry, social and health supports, and more.

Low Mobility Shelter (Men)

24/7 Low Mobility shelter beds for male community members are available on the main floor of the Herb Jamieson Centre. Access is available through the main front doors. This shelter primarily supports community members who have mobility challenges (use of a walker, wheelchair, cane, etc.), disabilities and/or chronic health conditions within our level of care. Given the mobility challenges of those staying in this shelter, meals are directly served to community members who are checked into this shelter.

All shelters offer access to clean blankets & towels, storage, clothing (subject to availability), nutrition, water, naloxone kits, showers, laundry, social and health supports, and more.

Intox Shelter (Men)

24/7 Intox shelter beds for male community members are available on the main floor of the Herb Jamieson Centre. Access is available through a separate entrance on the east side of the building. Intox shelter spaces are for community members who are heavily intoxicated and in need of additional support services and care.

All shelters offer access to clean blankets & towels, storage, clothing (subject to availability), nutrition, water, naloxone kits, showers, laundry, social and health supports, and more.

Health Services

Health Services are delivered in two primary ways at the Herb Jamieson Centre:

1.) The Herb Jamieson Centre Nursing Clinic, which is a drop-in clinic open Monday-Friday from 8:30AM-4:30PM. Staff embedded on-site include Registered Nurses (RN), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), Primary Care Paramedics (PCP), Emergency Medical Responders (EMR), and Healthcare Aids (HCA) who are able to provide the following types of care:

-Wound care
-Foot care
-Emergency and overdose response
-Health assessments & arranging medical visits
-Arranging prescription delivery
-Connections and referrals to community & health resources
-Connections to/from hospital
-Assistance connecting to addiction and mental health services

The Herb Jamieson Nursing Clinic also includes social supports, including access to a Registered Social Worker and a complex needs housing team. These staff specialize in providing social supports for community members with a higher level of need.

2.) Through the Emergency Response Team (ERT), which operates 7AM-7PM, 7 days per week. This team is made up of Registered Nurses (RN), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), Primary Care Paramedics (PCP) or Emergency Medical Responders (EMR). They respond to medical emergencies inside or around the building, provide basic medical care, and connect community members to the appropriate health services.

In addition to these services, Hope Mission works closely with third party providers such as homecare, pharmacies and visiting physicians to provide care.

For more information, email hope.nurses@hopemission.com.

Clothing items are available at any shelter location on a 24/7 basis. Please note: all clothing items are subject to availability
Laundry services for personal items are available on the second floor of the Herb Jamieson Centre.
Shower & Hygiene
Showers are available in all Herb Jamieson Centre shelters on a 24/7 basis. This includes access to towels, shampoo/soap and other hygiene supplies.
Housing & Support Hub
The Herb Jamieson Centre Housing & Support Hub is located on the second floor of the Herb Jamieson Centre. This hub provides a range of housing services, including Diversion, Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) and Intensive Case Management (ICM) programs. The housing staff in the hub can provide assistance with ID, income support navigation, housing assessments and program connections, housing searches and placements, connections to addiction treatment and recovery services, connections to community supports and more.
Income Supports Navigation
The Housing & Support Hub located on the Herb Jamieson provides assistance with income support navigation. This includes applications for AISH or Alberta Works. The staff help guide people through the process and remove barriers to accessing these services. The services at this site are primarily for shelter guests. Members of the community who are looking for these services but not checked into this shelter should go to the Hope Mission Centre Community Hub to access these services.
Emergency Response Team
The on-site Emergency Response Team (ERT) responds to any emergent medical needs that arise at the Herb Jamieson Centre and surrounding area.

Hope Mission Centre

Hope Mission Centre is the main drop-in space that Hope Mission offers in the downtown Edmonton area. It is not just for shelter guests – anyone in the community is welcome to access services offered in this space. Services include meals, shelter, health services, ID services, housing support, income support navigation, hygiene, laundry, chapel, and more.

Location & Contact Information:


9908 106 Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 0N6

Available Services:


Hungry? We’re here to help. At the Hope Mission Centre Community Hub, we serve hundreds of meals, three times a day, five days a week with brunch and dinner on weekends.

Meals are free of charge and available for anyone in the community – you do not need to be staying in shelters to access our meals at the Hope Mission Centre.

Monday through Friday:

-Breakfast at 7:30 am
-Lunch at 11:45 am
-Dinner at 4:15 pm

Saturday, Sunday & Holidays:

-Brunch at 10:45 am
-Dinner at 4:15 pm

Community Hub

The Hope Mission Centre Community Hub space is located through the front doors of the Hope Mission Centre building. The Community Hub is the main drop-in service that Hope Mission offers in the downtown area. It is not just for shelter guests – anyone in the community is welcome to access services offered in this space. Services include meals, health services, ID services, housing support, income support navigation, hygiene, laundry and more.

Community Hub hours of operation are as follows:

Weekdays: 7:30AM-5:00PM

-Breakfast: 7:30AM – 8:15AM
-Opens for Seniors and Low Mobility at 7:15AM
-Closed for cleaning: 8:15AM – 9:00AM
-Drop-in: 9:00AM – 11:30AM
-Lunch: 11:45PM – 12:30PM
-Opens for Seniors and Low Mobility at 11:30AM
-Closed for cleaning: 12:30PM – 1:00PM
-Drop-in: 1:00PM – 4:00PM
-Dinner: 4:15PM – 5:00PM
-Opens for Senior and Low Mobility at 4:00PM

Weekends and Holidays: 7:30AM-5:00PM

-Drop-in: 7:30AM – 10:30AM
-Brunch: 10:45AM – 11:30AM
-Opens for Seniors and Low Mobility at 10:30AM
-Closed for cleaning: 11:30AM – 12:00PM
-Drop-in: 12:00PM – 4:00PM
-Dinner: 4:15PM – 5:00PM
-Opens for Seniors and Low Mobility at 4:00PM

Regular Shelter (Women, Men, Couples)

24/7 shelter services are available for men, women and couples. Shelter entrances vary and are as follows:

– Women’s Emergency Shelter: entrance at southwest side of building
– Men’s Emergency Shelter: entrance at north east side of building
– Couples Emergency Shelter: entrance at north side of building through alley

All shelters offer access to clean blankets & towels, storage, clothing (subject to availability), nutrition, water, naloxone kits, showers, laundry, social and health supports, and more.

Low Mobility Shelter (Women)

24/7 Low Mobility shelter beds for female community members are available on the main floor of the Hope Mission Centre Women’s Emergency Shelter. Access is available through the south side of the building. This shelter primarily supports community members who have mobility challenges (use of a walker, wheelchair, cane, etc.), disabilities and/or chronic health conditions within our level of care.

All shelters offer access to clean blankets & towels, storage, clothing (subject to availability), nutrition, water, naloxone kits, showers, laundry, social and health supports, and more.
Intox Shelter (Women)

24/7 Intox shelter beds for female community members are available on the main floor of the Hope Mission Centre Women’s Emergency Shelter. Access is available through the south side of the building. Intox shelter spaces are for community members who are heavily intoxicated and in need of additional support services and care.

All shelters offer access to clean blankets & towels, storage, clothing (subject to availability), nutrition, water, naloxone kits, showers, laundry, social and health supports, and more.

Drop-in, voluntary chapel services and spiritual support are available regularly throughout the week. Schedules may vary, contact spiritualcare@hopemission.com for more details.
Health Services

Health Services are delivered in two primary ways at the Hope Mission Centre:

1.) The Hope Mission Centre Community Hub Nursing Clinic, which is a drop-in clinic open Monday-Friday from 8:30AM-4:30PM. Staff embedded on-site include Registered Nurses (RN), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), Primary Care Paramedics (PCP) or Emergency Medical Responders (EMR) who are able to provide the following types of care:

-Wound care
-Foot care
-Emergency and overdose response
-Health assessments & arranging medical visits
-Arranging prescription delivery
-Connections and referrals to community & health resources
-Connections to/from hospital
-Assistance connecting to addiction and mental health services

*Please note: the Hope Mission Centre Community Hub clinic is a smaller clinic. For additional services, all community members are welcome to access the nearby Herb Jamieson Centre Nursing Clinic during regular hours of operation.

2.) Through the Emergency Response Team (ERT), which operates 7AM-7PM, 7 days per week. This team is made up of Registered Nurses (RN), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), Primary Care Paramedics (PCP) or Emergency Medical Responders (EMR). They respond to medical emergencies inside or around the building, provide basic medical care, and connect community members to the appropriate health services.

In addition to these services, Hope Mission works closely with third party providers such as homecare, pharmacies and visiting physicians to provide care.

For more information, email hope.nurses@hopemission.com.

Clothing items are available at any shelter location on a 24/7 basis. They are also available through the main clothing hub, which is located within the Community Hub space. Please note: all clothing items are subject to availability.
Laundry services for personal items are available through the Community Hub space. The hours of operation are 7:00AM-5:00PM, 7 days per week during drop-in hours. For additional details, see our Hope Mission Centre Community Hub information section.
ID Services
ID Services are available for Alberta general ID, personal healthcare number (PHN) cards and birth certificates. These services are available in the Community Hub space
Shower & Hygiene
Showers are available in all Hope Mission Centre shelters on a 24/7 basis. This includes access to towels, shampoo/soap and other hygiene supplies. Hygiene supplies are also available through the Community Hub space, however showers are currently not directly available through the Community Hub.
Housing & Support Hub

The Hope Mission Centre Housing & Support Hub is located in the Community Hub space. This hub provides a range of housing services, including Diversion, Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) and Intensive Case Management (ICM) programs. The housing staff in the hub can provide assistance with ID, income support navigation, housing assessments and program connections, housing searches and placements, connections to addiction treatment and recovery services, connections to community supports and more.

Income Supports Navigation
The Housing & Support Hub located within the Hope Mission Centre Community Hub provides assistance with income support navigation. This includes applications for AISH or Alberta Works. The staff help guide people through the process and remove barriers to accessing these services.
Emergency Response Team
The on-site Emergency Response Team (ERT) responds to any emergent medical needs that arise at the Hope Mission Centre building and surrounding area.

CarePoint Wellness Centre

Hope Mission's CarePoint Wellness Centre provides emergency and wraparound care to all people experiencing homelessness. Services provided include 24/7 shelter, health services, social supports, and addiction treatment and recovery options.

These services are delivered within a welcoming environment that fosters trust, respect and acceptance, empowering people to take control of their future and achieve their own version of wellness.

Location & Contact Information:


14830 124 Ave NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5L 3B3

Available Services:


Hot meals and snacks are provided throughout the day, ensuring that guests receive the nourishment they need. Meal times may vary, but staff work diligently to ensure that everyone has access to regular, balanced meals.

Regular Shelter (All Genders)

24/7 shelter spaces are available for individuals and couples of all genders (Men, Women, Gender Neutral Spaces). Guests can access these spaces through the main entrance at any time, day or night.

All shelter guests have access to clean blankets and towels, clothing (subject to availability), showers, laundry, social and health supports, and more.

A range of storage options is available to guests, from self-serve lockers to a locked storage room for extra security. Staff can assist guests in finding an appropriate storage solution based on their needs.

Low Mobility Shelter (All Genders)

24/7 low mobility shelter spaces are also available for guests (men, women, gender neutral) who use wheelchairs, walkers, canes, or have other mobility challenges. These spaces offer additional support and an environment that accommodates varied mobility needs.

All shelter guests have access to clean blankets and towels, clothing (subject to availability), showers, laundry, social and health supports, and more.

A range of storage options is available to guests, from self-serve lockers to a locked storage room for extra security. Staff can assist guests in finding an appropriate storage solution based on their needs.

Health Services

Health services at the CarePoint Wellness Centre are provided by an on-site Registered Nurse (RN) and Healthcare Aides, with additional visits from other health professionals within and outside of Hope Mission. This ensures guests receive prompt attention for immediate health concerns, along with referrals and connections to broader medical resources if needed.

Please note: there is no Emergency Response Team (ERT) on-site at CarePoint (the ERT is located downtown), but staff work closely with external medical services whenever higher levels of care are required.


Clothing items are available on a 24/7 basis. Guests can request basic items like shirts, pants, jackets, and undergarments. All clothing is subject to availability.


Laundry services for personal items are available in a dedicated laundry room during daytime operating hours. Guests can speak to staff for assistance and scheduling.

ID Services
The Housing & Support Hub located on the main floor of the Karis Centre provides assistance with ID services. These services include Alberta general ID, personal healthcare number (PHN) cards, and birth certificates. Currently community members can also access these services at the Navigation Centre, which is located in the basement of the Karis Centre.
Shower & Hygiene

CarePoint Wellness Centre offers:

• Separate men’s and women’s washrooms

• Gender neutral shower stalls

• A gender neutral and barrier-free washroom and shower

These facilities are accessible 24/7 for shelter guests, with towels, soap/shampoo, and other hygiene supplies available.

Housing & Support Hub

Located on-site, the Housing & Support Hub provides a range of housing services similar to other Hope Mission locations, including Diversion and Housing First programming. In addition, this site specializes in Immigration Services, guiding newcomers and refugees through various processes to secure housing and essential support. Although these services focus on newcomers and refugees, they are available to all guests.

Staff at the Housing & Support Hub can also assist with income support navigation. This may include helping individuals apply for programs such as AISH or Alberta Works and removing barriers that prevent them from accessing these services.

Phone/Internet/Computer Access

During daytime hours, guests can access phone services and computer stations with internet. This provides opportunities to connect with family, arrange appointments, search for housing, or complete job applications and other important tasks.

Karis Centre

Hope Mission’s Karis Centre is a women’s shelter where people can also access critical supports like meals, housing, identification, health services, and income supports navigation. Indigenous cultural supports are also available.

Location & Contact Information:


10302 107 Street
Edmonton, Alberta

Available Services:


Meals are available at the Karis Centre for shelter guests. All meals are free of charge and served on the following schedule:

Monday through Friday:

-Breakfast at 7:30 am
-Lunch at 11:45 am
-Dinner at 4:15 pm

Saturday, Sunday & Holidays:

-Brunch at 10:45 am
-Dinner at 4:15 pm

Regular Shelter (Women)

24/7 Regular shelter beds for female community members are available on the main and second floor of the Karis Centre. Access is available through the main front doors.

All shelters offer access to clean blankets & towels, storage, clothing (subject to availability), nutrition, water, naloxone kits, showers, laundry, social and health supports, and more.

Low Mobility Shelter (Women)
24/7 Low Mobility shelter beds for female community members are available on the main floor of the Karis Centre. Access is available through the main front doors. This shelter primarily supports community members who have mobility challenges (use of a walker, wheelchair, cane, etc.), disabilities and/or chronic health conditions within our level of care.
All shelters offer access to clean blankets & towels, storage, clothing (subject to availability), nutrition, water, naloxone kits, showers, laundry, social and health supports, and more.
Health Services

Health Services are delivered through the Karis Centre Health Clinic. This clinic is a drop-in clinic open Monday-Friday from 8:30AM-4:30PM. Staff embedded on-site include Registered Nurses (RN), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) and Healthcare Aids (HCA) who provide assistance with:

-Wound care
-Foot care
-Emergency and overdose response
-Health assessments & arranging medical visits
-Arranging prescription delivery
-Connections and referrals to community & health resources
-Connections to/from hospital
-Assistance connecting to addiction and mental health services

The Karis Centre Health Clinic also delivers social supports by working closely with our on-site Housing and Support Hub. These staff specialize in providing social supports for female community members.

For more information, email hope.nurses@hopemission.com.

Clothing items are available at the Karis Centre on a 24/7 basis. Please note: all clothing items are subject to availability.
Laundry services for personal items are available during daytime hours on the main and second floor of the Karis Centre.
ID Services
The Housing & Support Hub located on the main floor of the Karis Centre provides assistance with ID services. These services include Alberta general ID, personal healthcare number (PHN) cards, and birth certificates. Currently community members can also access these services at the Navigation Centre, which is located in the basement of the Karis Centre.
Shower & Hygiene
Showers are available at the Karis Centre on a 24/7 basis. This includes access to towels, shampoo/soap and other hygiene supplies.
Housing & Support Hub
The Karis Centre Housing & Support Hub is located on the main floor of the Karis Centre. This hub provides a range of housing services, including Diversion, Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) and Intensive Case Management (ICM) programs. The housing staff in the hub can provide assistance with ID, income support navigation, housing assessments and program connections, housing searches and placements, connections to addiction treatment and recovery services, connections to community supports and more. Currently staff will also make connections to the Navigation Centre, which operating in the basement of the Karis Centre.

Tegler Youth Centre

The Tegler Youth Centre is a safe and fun place for kids and youth to hang out, be challenged, and grow as individuals. Consisting of a climbing wall, a huge indoor skate park, games room and a Media Arts Centre, the Centre offers many engaging opportunities to try new things and build relationships with mentors.

Location & Contact Information:


3805 118 Ave
Edmonton, AB
T5W 0Z8

Available Services:

School Lunches
Throughout the school year, Hope Mission provides school lunches to 23 public and catholic schools across the city of Edmonton at no cost to the parents or the school. This results in over 17,500 meals served in a month.
The meals consist of a healthy sandwich, fruit, veggie and snack. To learn more about how to receive support with school lunches, please connect with your local school staff.
Food Hampers

Through the Family Wellness program, we operate a program called the Essentials. The Essentials is an emergency hamper program that gives families the opportunity to pick out a hamper of food, diapers, kids clothes and more. This program is for families with kids 18 & under in their immediate care.

Families can access a hamper up to 6 times a year, once a month. If further supports are needed, we encourage families to connect with our Family Support worker to navigate more solutions.

Family Wellness
The Family Wellness program is based out of the Tegler Youth Centre, is operated by a Family Support Worker and seeks to serve, support and see families thrive. The program does this through connecting families with practical resources and relational connections through the means of our Navigation program and community events.
After-School Programs
Kids need a safe and fun place to hang out, be challenged and grow as individuals. Consisting of a large gym, indoor skatepark, climbing wall, rec area and music production room, the centre offers many engaging opportunities to try new things. Free after-school programs operate Monday – Friday at the Tegler Youth Centre.

Warehouse & Thrift Store

Our Girard Road Warehouse serves as a central hub for Hope Mission operations and administrative staff.

Proceeds from our Thrift Store go directly towards feeding and caring for vulnerable neighbours who come to Hope Mission each day. We aspire to have quality items that are well priced, providing customers with an enjoyable experience.

Location & Contact Information:


7011 Girard Road NW
Edmonton, AB
T6B 2C4

Thrift Store Hours:

Wednesday to Saturday: 10am-5pm

Donation Drop-Off Times:

Monday to Friday: 9am-4pm

Brightwood Ranch

Brightwood Ranch is an affordable, high-energy Christian summer camp that is located West of Edmonton on 220 beautiful acres. Come out and experience nature and fun activities that include horseback riding, climbing wall, zipeline, archery, low ropes course, bike trail rides, petting zoo, sports, and many more outdoor activities.

Location & Contact Information:

780-727-3840 (Local)
1-866-797-2624 (Toll-Free)

52527, Range Rd 72A
Evansburg, AB
T0E 0T0

Available Services:

Squirt Camp (Ages 6-8)
Squirt Camp is a great first camp experience! Running Tuesday afternoon to Friday afternoon, this 3-day camp has so many great opportunities for the younger kids who want to experience camp. They get to undergo making new friends, playing games, making crafts, rock climbing, build a fire, escape a pallet maze and learn about God. It is such a fun couple of days eating great food, singing campfire songs, and battling in epic water fights.
Junior Camp (Ages 8-10)
Have a blast and meet new friends this summer at our Junior Camps. Activities include pony rides, grooming horses, archery, crafts, rock climbing, camping skills development, wide games, a petting zoo and a ropes course. Make great memories while learning about God, toasting marshmallows around a campfire, splashing in a water fight, and sleeping in a cabin; covered wagon, tower or a caboose.
Intermediate Camp (Ages 10-12)
Great times at Intermediate Camp include: archery, rock climbing, zipline, crafts, riflery, group sports, ropes course, wilderness skills, drama, musical skills, campfires, chapel, gaga-ball, night games, fab food, great staff, cabin group Bible studies, cookouts, sleeping in a cabin, covered wagon, a tower, or the caboose. Intermediate campers receive extra time to pursue their favorite activities every afternoon.
Youth Camp (Ages 13-16)
Youth come on out and have an awesome week at the ranch this summer! Learn a new skill in archery, test your mind in our escape room bus, participate in team building exercises at the low ropes course, and make meaningful memories & friendships with other campers. Eat some awesome food, learn about God, and enjoy the beautiful scenery and activities that this camp has to offer. We hope to see you there!
The Crew (Ages 16-17)
The Crew is a youth leadership development program. We are accepting 10 -15 applicants who will be granted to choose between a three week or four week program, going home on the weekends.
Participants will be paired up with counselors to work with campers as well as in other areas like the kitchen, maintenance, or activity areas. Graduates from this program may be eligible to come back the following summer as paid staff.
Food Hampers

Brightwood supports local families through a frozen meal program. This program ensures that families have easy access to food once per month

School Lunches
Brightwood supports 8 local schoosl through a breakfast/lunch program. This program gurentees students have access to food every day before school.

Edwardson Place

Edwardson Place is where Hope Mission’s one-year addiction recovery program for women (Wellspring) is based out of. It is faith-based and open to all women who have a desire to make changes in their lives, and who are able to understand and participate in an interactive learning experience.

Location & Contact Information:


10336 114 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5K 1S3

Green Manor

Green Manor is where Hope Mission’s one-year addiction recovery program for men (Breakout) is based out of. It is faith-based and open to all men who have a desire to make changes in their lives, and who are able to understand and participate in an interactive learning experience.

The goal of the program is to provide men with supportive community, structure and accountability to help them make positive changes in their lives. Men are admitted to the program on a continual basis and are provided with counseling, access to recreation and transitional housing.

Location & Contact Information:


10635 107 St NW
Edmonton, AB
T5H 2Y8

Immigration Hall

Immigration Hall is a transitional and long-term housing complex for men and is a gateway through which people enter new lives in their communities.

The building has 44 single resident suites that are available for rent at rates below market value. Rooms are available for Breakout graduates and Hope Mission employees. Many Breakout Recovery Community participants move into Immigration Hall during their work service.

Location & Contact Information:


10534 100 St NW
Edmonton, AB
T5H 2R6

24/7 Rescue Vans

Our 24/7 Rescue Vans actively provide mobile outreach to unhoused and vulnerable people in our community. Equipped with critical resources such as food and clothing, compassionate staff focus on people in non-emergency crisis situations who need support, care, and access to community resources. These non-judgmental services are inclusive, trauma-informed, and client-centred.

Contact Information:

If you see a neighbour in distress, call 211 and press 3