Summer 2023

For summer 2023 we are excited to be running overnight Camp Programs!

Summer Registration is closed for summer 2023. Thank you!

Squirt Camp

(Ages 6-9)

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Squirt Camp is awesome! Running Tuesday afternoon to Friday afternoon this 3-day camp is a great opportunity to make new friends and is an easy, low-commitment first camp experience. Campers play games, make crafts, rock climb, play with animals, build a fire, and learn about God. Enjoy singing, campfires, great food and epic water fights!

Junior Camp

(Ages 8-10)

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Have a blast and meet new friends this summer at our Junior Camps. Activities include archery, crafts, rock climbing, camping skills development, a petting zoo and a ropes course. Make great memories while learning about God, toasting marshmallows around a campfire, splashing in a water fight, and sleeping in a cabin, covered wagon, tower or a caboose.

Intermediate Camp

(Ages 10-12)

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Great times at intermediate camp include: archery, rock climbing, crafts, riflery, group sports, ropes course, wilderness skills, drama, musical skills, campfires, chapel, gaga-ball, night games, fab food, great staff, cabin group Bible studies, cookouts, sleeping in a cabin, covered wagon, a tower, or the caboose. Intermediate camper’s receiver extra time to pursue their favorite activities every afternoon.


Youth Camp at the Yurtz

(Ages 13-16)

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Youth Camp at the Yurtz takes camp to the next level. Youth will sleep back in the bush in two giant yurtz, make several meals over the fire, engage in camp activities, undergo daily challenges, attend chapel with music/speaker, and much more. It is sure to be a great week of making memories with new and old friends.

The Crew

(Ages 16-17)

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The Crew is a youth leadership development program. We are accepting 10 -15 applicants who will be granted to choose between a three week or four week program, going home on the weekends.

Participants will be paired up with counselors to work with campers as well as in other areas like the kitchen, maintenance, or activity areas.

Graduates from this program may be eligible to come back the following summer as paid staff

Main Site

$25: First child in household
$20: Second child in household
$15: Third child in household
No cost for the 4th child or more in a household.

If you are able to pay more than fees listed above, please send what you can, up to a maximum of $300 per child.

You do not have to pay the full fee all at once. You can send us post-dated cheques to spread out the payment of fees.

We do not want any child to miss out on a camp experience because of financial reasons. It is our policy not to turn anyone away because of finances. All campers will be accepted whether you can pay or not.

YDP Programs

The minimum fee for a one week program is $25 
There is no cost to attend the CREW Program.

If you are able to pay more than fees listed above, please send what you can, up to a maximum of $300 per child.

You do not have to pay the full fee all at once. You can send us post-dated cheques to spread out the payment of fees.

We realize that having two or three youth can get fairly expensive, even with the minimum fee. You will be asked to just pay what you can afford.

We do not want any youth to miss out on a camp experience because of financial reasons. It is our policy not to turn anyone away because of finances. All campers will be accepted whether you can pay or not.

Financial Assistance

Dear Parents, Although we encourage you to pay the full fees for camp or to pay whatever you can afford, we want to stress that we do not want any child to miss out on camp because of finances. If you cannot afford to pay the fees, fill out the registration form anyway and Hope Mission will gladly take care of the costs for you. GST is included in all camp fees.

Full camp fees are $300 per child. If you are able to pay more than $25, please send what you can up to $300 for each child. Youth Development Programs are a maximum of $300 per program not per week.

We do not want any child to miss out on a camp experience because of financial reasons. It is our policy not to turn anyone away because of finances. If you have any questions, please contact the office toll free at 1 (866) 797-2624

BRIGHTWOOD RANCH – Box 277, Evansburg, AB T0E-0T0
(780) 727-3840 (Local) / 1-866-797-2624 (Toll-Free)