Dustin, Breakout

“I’m just here for the ride. God’s the one doing all the driving.”

There’s something remarkable about seeing how people change when they come to Hope Mission for care, support, and recovery.

Every day, we see brokenness, deep pain, and past hurts in those who come through our doors. But, amidst that pain and hurt, there is hope. There is light. And we see that hope in the brave men and women who join our recovery communities.

Dustin came to the Breakout Recovery Community in 2015. For more than half of his life, Dustin lived in cycles of addiction and jail. He was using and selling drugs, which landed him in jail numerous times. Dustin describes it as “going in circles.” During the times he was out of jail, he’d go back to the people who he thought were his friends, but that just led back to a life of crime.

Dustin remembers sitting in jail, having had enough of that life. He was tired. He found out about Breakout, and its Christian foundations, and knew that’s where he wanted to go – not just for sobriety, but for healing and rest.

Since coming to Hope Mission, Dustin says he’s learned to love himself again and forgive those from his past who wronged him.

“My relationship with God grows stronger and more real every day,” says Dustin. “I feel his presence around me and in all my situations and I am very grateful and I don’t want to lose that ever again.”

For Dustin, this complete shift in focus away from addiction and toward God has given him an enduring hope and joy. Because of your support, you have helped Dustin and so many others in recovery replace past hurts with life-changing hope and the love of God.

On behalf of Dustin and the many men and women you have blessed by your giving, thank you.

The Breakout Recovery Community is a year-long, 12 step addiction recovery program for men. The goal of the program is to provide men with supportive community, structure and accountability to help them make positive changes in their lives. Men are admitted to the program on a continual basis and are provided with counseling, access to recreation and transitional housing.