2019 Annual Report

2019 was an incredible year at Hope Mission, and through it all, I have been so encouraged by the power of prayer and God’s faithfulness. Even in times of hardship, our guests have been surrounded by a community that cares deeply for them.

Within this Annual Report, you will find stories from men, women, and children who have been impacted by your kindness. These are real stories of lives changed as a direct result of your compassion. Your generosity reached out to feed the hungry, embrace the lonely, and shelter the homeless – and that is an incredible legacy.

On behalf of everyone at Hope Mission, thank you for your kind support. People in desperate situations have glimpsed hope and seen lives transformed – because of you.

God bless you,

Bruce Reith

Executive Director

Rory’s Story

After years of growing up with an alcoholic father and grandfather, Rory eventually found himself caught in the same addiction. His drinking continued to spiral out of control and after burning all his bridges with friends and family, Rory ended up homeless and with nowhere to go. 

“I had absolutely no place to go. I was at the ultimate rock bottom in my life.” 

Last winter, Rory finally decided that he needed some help and decided to put himself into a detox facility. It was the worst Christmas of Rory’s life – but he knew that if he pushed through the pain, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Rory knew that he needed long-term recovery. He began his search for programs that could offer further help and Hope Mission ended up being the first place that opened the doors to Rory. They also had a plan for him to transition into housing after the program. Rory began his journey to Edmonton and joined Breakout – Hope Mission’s year-long addictions recovery program for men.

“I am very thankful for Hope Mission and what they did for me through the Breakout program.”

Since coming to Hope Mission, Rory’s life has been forever changed. Today, Rory has a smile on his face, hope in his heart, and a future in sight. Every day at Hope Mission, there are many others like Rory beginning their journey towards freedom.

Hope For Nicky

Nicky is a hardworking mom who is so thankful for Hope Mission. After her husband suffered from a heart attack last year, things at home became very difficult. Nicky was struggling financially and emotionally – and didn’t know where to turn.

Eventually Nicky got connected with Hope Mission. Her kids got involved in Hope Mission’s after school programs – and Nicky found out about the special family dinners Hope Mission offers. These dinners are an opportunity to serve, strengthen and uplift families like Nicky’s.

“There’s always so much love… and it always feels so welcoming.”

Last Fall, Nicky and many others were able to attend Hope Mission’s special holiday banquets – because of generous donors like you! For the hurting and hungry, a special holiday dinner with all the trimmings can provide hope for a better future. Thank you for making a difference in the life of Nicky and countless others.

Hope Begins With A Meal

Nick is a young boy who often attends Hope Mission’s after-school programs. Hope Mission is a place where he can have fun, make friends, and build healthy relationships. But recently when Nick showed up to programs, the staff noticed something different about him. He was angry, upset, and not acting like his usual self.

Our staff tried to dig deeper and understand what was going on with Nick — eventually they found out that he hadn’t eaten all day. After giving Nick some food, he started to calm down. A simple meal was all that he needed in that moment.

Later that evening, Nick’s whole demeaner changed. He was back to his usual fun and energetic self. It is in moments like these that we remember the need that exists in our communities. But thanks to caring and compassionate people like you, we are able to provide kids like Nick with the nourishment that their growing bodies need. Hope really does begin with a meal.


47% Donations

27% Government

 15% Foundations/Trusts

5% Health Clinic

 3% Social Housing Rent

 3% Thrift Store & Other Income


53% Men’s Services

15% Children’s Programs

 5% Women’s Services

5% Health Clinic

 3% Youth Programs

 4% General Programs

 11% Resource Development

 4% Administration

You can write the next story of transformation!